SBA Asks Students to Please Honor Library Quiet Study Policies

As final exams approach, all students must keep in mind the importance of abiding by the Quiet Study Rules in Mendik Library reading rooms. Even if you are the type of student who can study well in noise and commotion, remember that not everyone else feels the same way. Making noise, even a little noise for a short time, around your fellow students who are trying to study is the height of inconsiderate and rude behavior.

The SBA asks that students take note that all open reading rooms and stack areas are Quiet Study Zones. The only exception is the reading area next to the 4th floor Reference Desk. Within Quiet Study Zones:

  • Never engage in conversation. A few words at a whisper should always suffice. If you must engage in conversation, take it to the Library stairwells or outside.
  • Don’t ever use your cell phone, and don’t put it on vibrate – mute it completely or turn it off. Even a humming cell phone can disrupt your neighbor’s study. If you’re waiting for an important call, you can study someplace else until you receive it.
  • Cell phones aren’t the only electronics that make noise. If your laptop has a sound card, mute it. If you’ve got an iPod, make sure to keep the volume at a level that others can’t hear. If you’re chewing gum, don’t “pop” or “crack” it.
  • When you enter or leave a Group Study Room, remember to close the door behind you.
  • If you become aware of a noisy facilities condition – a squeaky door, a thumping photocopier, a rumbling equipment room – report it immediately to the Library staff. (Extension 2332, or you can push the “Library Help” button on any of our interoffice phones.) The Library staff will do what they can to get the problem resolved as quickly as possible.

The Library administration and staff, in concert with the Office of Facilities Management, do what they can to cultivate a quiet environment at finals time. Construction and maintenance work are avoided in the Library, and they make sure that the Group Study Rooms are kept free for student use. They also walk around and “shush,” as good librarians must. But they can’t be everywhere, and can do only so much enforcement. The Librarians count on the cooperation and collegiality of students to keep the peace.

During the finals period the Library gets very crowded, and tensions can sometimes mount. The only way to maintain an appropriate study atmosphere is through student cooperation under these simple rules. We ask that you keep this in mind always, and especially at this time of year.

Thanks! Your SBA