Here are three important Library resources to keep in mind as you begin to prepare for upcoming exams.
First: The Library’s Exam Preparation Resources web page (under Library Materials) offers a host of materials containing practical advice and strategies designed to help you navigate the exam process.
Second: The Library maintains an archive of previous years’ exams for most courses. You can access these exams by course or professor name. From the Library’s home page, click Find Sample and Practice Exams under How Do I…?
Third: CALI offers a variety of lessons and podcasts with helpful tips and advice from faculty on preparing for and taking exams. To access these materials, log in to CALI; under CALI Topics, click Legal Concepts and Skills and scroll down to one or more of these lessons:
Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students: (Panel 1 PodCast)
Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students: (Panel 2 PodCast)
Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students: (Panel 3 PodCast)
Tips for Multiple Choice Exams in Law School (Podcast)
Top 10 Tips for Successfully Writing a Law School Essay
Writing Better Law School Exams: The Importance of Structure
We wish everyone the very best of luck!