Important Reminder for Exams Period

At finals time, we get complaints about noise in the library. We do what we can to cultivate a quiet environment by asking people to be quieter when we observe an issue but we can’t be everywhere. We count on your cooperation to help maintain a quiet space for all.

All areas in the library are Quiet Study Zones, with the exception of the area next to the Reference and Circulation Desks on the first floor. We ask that you keep verbal communication to a minimum in all Quiet Study Zone areas and that you do no more than whisper. Cell phones and computers should be silenced completely. If you are listening to music or other audio via headphones, please ensure the volume is low enough that sound is not leaking from the headphones.

If you encounter a noisy facilities condition like a squeaky door or noisy library equipment, please report it immediately to Reference or Circulation. Send an email to or call extension 2332. We’ll do what we can to get the problem resolved as quickly as possible.

We understand that during finals the library gets crowded, and people may be stressed and on edge, so we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a quiet place for everyone to study. Thank you for your help and good luck on exams!