ABA Journal’s Top 100 Law Blogs

The ABA Journal has just released its fifth annual list of the top 100 law blogs (or blawgs).  The alphabetical list is annotated, with short descriptions of each blog.

Included this year is NYLS’s own Legal As She Is Spoke (LASIS) blog, a product of the Program in Law and Journalism under the direction of Michelle Zierler.  The staff and writers for the blog are all students in Professor Zierler’s Legal Reporting classes.  Congratulations LASIS!  The ABA’s description of LASIS is below.



New York Law School students from the Program in Law and Journalism rip cases from the headlines, break them down and assess their merits (and the media’s accuracy in reporting the case).  Though its name pays homage to English As She Is Spoke, a laughable, incoherent 19th century Portuguese guide to the English language, these bloggers have shown they know of what they write.