Law School Survey of Student Engagement

The 2008 results of the annual Law School Survey of Student Engagement are now available.  You can download a copy of this year’s 16-page report, Student Engagement in Law Schools: Preparing 21st Century Lawyers, here.

From the LSSSE website:

What is the Law School Survey of Student Engagement?

The Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE) is designed to provide reliable, credible information about the quality of the law student experience. This spring, more than 27,000 students at 85 law schools participated in the second national administration of the survey. The survey asks students about their law school experience – how they spend their time, what they feel they’ve gained from their classes, their assessment of the quality of interactions with faculty and friends, and about important activities. Extensive research indicates that good educational practices in the classroom and interactions with others, such as faculty and peers, are directly related to high-quality student outcomes. The LSSSE focuses on these practices by assessing student engagement in key areas.